Sunday, 29 June 2008


I have been busy. Same ooo same old excuse.

So much for being jumping over the moon for passing the first year exam (still I'm very bersyukur), the reality is, 2nd phase of Master of Pathology is hectic-er than the 1st phase. Of course, back then I can just run away from responsibilities, chose to deal only simple cases, left the big thing to the seniors. Now, no no. Big or small the specimens sent by the surgeons/physicians, I have to process, read them under the microscope, garu kepala when the features are not fimiliar, flip the 3kg textbooks (just for one organ system!) and feeling stupid when not able to answer simple undergraduate-questions from the guru-of-the-department. On top of that, tried very hard to answer as politely as possible to the MOs or HOs when they called asking what are the final diagnosis. They ask nicely, we answer nicely lah. Some hot-headed jack-ass will be rude up their small brain, asking for report to be done, itu jam, itu time. Hard cases take time to be solved. Duh....try staying in our department for a few months, then they know what I'm babbling about.

Ok lah, that is busy about work.

Outside work?

Occupied+obssessed with my backyard garden. Planted some corns,chillies, tomatoes and kailan (In keeping with the 'changing the lifestyle' campaign). Hopefully they turn out ok. So far, the lemongrass, kunyit, limau purut, bendi and onions are doing great. I experimented sowing coriander, cumin and fennel directly into the ground. None seems to be seedling. My hypothesis, the seeds went into the tummy of this one homeless burung puyuh that came around our garden a few times last week. Dunno. Maybe.(Such a cruel thing to accuse of a homeless bird-atleast I'm not accusing it sodomising my little garden!)

Frontyard, got a few plants given by aunty and uncles, blooming gracefully in the pots. Still need a few more pots to place those that are potless. Pot ke vase? Whatever lah. FIL gave us a bunch of pokok puding last time we when back. Got so excited, I planted them into the open ground immediately upon arrival from Kuala Kangsar. So much so, KB weather is so hot and dry, the pokok became dehydrated and almost lifeless. Felt stupid,(again!), I now put them under the porch, the stems are being rendam into water mixed with penggalak-akar. Only when the roots are out, I put them where I wanted. I hope it works.

Yesterday, my hubby bought some more fruit trees (jambu seedless, limau kasturi, limau bali, kelapa mawar/madu[the short stature coconut tree]) for our garden (thanks hunny for keeping the promise). I love it. Can't wait to plant them this evening. However, my fingers are not as green as my late-grandma. Anything she planted,sure to grow nicely. Me? Some times only lah. I got this weird habit, every time I was pregnant-I went crazy about gardening, and planting. Eh, no lah, I'm beta-HCG negative. No bun in the oven ya....


Later lah...

PS: I miss my tulips and daffodils that I planted while I was pregnant with Nabilah.

Wednesday, 18 June 2008


Bestnya kalau gaji saya juga naik 100%.

Bestnya kalau gaji kakak cleaner yang muncul dalam Bersamamu TV3 tempoh hari juga naik 100%, dari RM450 ke RM900.

Bestnya kalau gaji semua orang ,kaki-dan-tangan awam atau swasta, semuanya naik 100%




Itu kalau....

Tapi 'Saya terserah......'
Tidor lagi bagus....ZZzzzzzzz

Banyak keje ni...

Saturday, 14 June 2008

Dua Kosong Kosong Lapan

11th June 2008, marked the date of our 8th wedding anniversary.
Despite the fuel hike, we still proceed with our plans for "the anniversary and post exam" weekend. Thursday evening, afterwork, off we left KB for Kuala Terengganu.

KT? Besssttt. A city near the Terengganu River and by the South China Sea. Many beautiful new buildings. Spacious roads. Many recreation areas. Relaxing with sound of the waves and smell of the sea breeze. No wonder, my papa wanted to come back to his birthplace, Terengganu Darul Iman.

Masjid Terapung di Seberang Takir.
A new building across the river opposite Pasar Kedai Payang. A pakcik jaga told me when I asked him, "Orhang kapung dokleh gi situ". I wonder, bangunang apa tu...lawo...

Masjid Kristal from the bridge

Masjid Kristal in Pulau WangMang

Replica of Masjid Aqsa in Taman Tamadun Islam

I think this is a replica of Blue Mosque

Bulatan Batu Bersurat

Some where mid town of Kuala Terengganu

Masjid Sultan Abidin also known as White Mosque, built between 179*-1808

Istana Maziah next door to the White Mosque

Kids' activities on Friday and Saturday (sunburnt anak aku!)

Dulu 2000 berdua, kini 2008 berempat.

Dulu 'sekilo', kini 'berkilo-kilo' (talking about the body weight)

Happy Anniversary

We don't see many of new awesome big big building in KB. State gov don't have money for luxuries, better make the kampung people more happy!

To those who have never placed their feet on Terengganu's soil, must go lah!

(So many big big buildings, wonder if all the office spaces are all occupied? Another wishful thinking while we were there, 'eh I tot the fuel price are cheaper here in KT....' Dream onnnn!!!! What la uu....)



Our pet ToTo, his photo in this blog page, has left us last week. I was sad. I have paid a little attention to him because of my exam, but I still make sure I fed him and changed his water.
Farewell ToTo.

(Darwish asked me as buried ToTo in the backyard "Kenapa mummy tanam ToTo, dia bukan pokok?" How to answer lor.......)

Monday, 9 June 2008

Pink Monday

Sounds odd, but I haven't had a color-coded Mondays for a long while. I chose to title this entry pink Monday, obviously it is the color of the tudung I'm wearing today.

Not much excitement happened today. Another quiet day at the office (for now, not complaining).
I've started on-call as from today. This week, cytology, means I have to do fine needle aspiration of any lumps on the superficial parts of the patients. In layman's words, I just cucuk-cucuk the lump to get some cells out. 2 people were my victims today. I was out of practice, and sweated like a ..... during the procedure. As an excuse, I again blame the small-ness of the procedure room, that had made me perspired profusely ( a little exaggeration here).

Funny thing or not so funny things happened last week. They was funny because my-mom's son-in-law was trying to be Bob-the-builder and green-gardener. Fortunately, it did not happen on the same day though.

To start off with, this new house of ours, the so-called 'Villa Titanic Pecah'(have yet to take some photos and show it off, will do soon, insyaAllah), have this problem with water. The water tank is placed about 1 foot higher than the one in the phase 1 house. Kelantan Water has low pressure, so the was always problem of water shortage to both of the phase 2 houses. To solve this problem, we have to add another tank as an extra storage, and use an electric-pump to pump out water from new tank to the original tank. Initially, my mom's son law, insisted on doing all this by himself. But later, he changed his mind, and on Monday, called the pakcik plumber to set everything up.

300 gallon tank RM 180
electric pump RM280
connection pipes and etc RM120
service RM 100
Able to have a long shower, priceless.

RM100 went into the pakcik's pocket.
2 days later, one of the two taps at our kitchen sink rosak. My mom's son-in-law decided to fix the tap himself. Guess what happened? He broke the tap attachment of some-sort. So again, we have to call the pakcik plumber.

RM10 went into the pakcik's pocket.

Long weekend, on Saturday. We bought pokok longan and pokok limau purut. I planted the pokok limau. My mom's son-in-law, was excited about planting our new pokok longan. Cangkul and cangkul, he hit the main water pipe to the end-of-the road neighbour. Haiyaa...what an event to end the beautiful Saturday. Again call the pakcik plumber. Only after Maghrib, the pakcik arrived with his other 2 fellow relatives. With light from a torch, they managed to fix the leakage. Good thing that he was willing to come at that time of the day!

Up: My herbal garden; Below: The longan tree

RM10 went into the pakcik's pocket.( RM10 given to his assistant)

[RM14 the cost buying the pipe adapter (what ever)]

Moral of the story: Never underestimate a plumber. They are trained to fix the pipes and tap some RM from people like us. Without them, we might have water problem. Without us, they won't have things to fix. Life is balanced (sounds like Mufasa in Lion King ).

Have a wonderful day.

Later lah....

Friday, 6 June 2008



Finally, got some time for myself to update my blog. It has been a while. To those who visited and left some comments, many thanks. Sorry, I didn't get around answering them. To those, who wanted to berkenalan,if a saucer is too small, i 'll place a big tray.

Recalling April and May 2008.

Those 2 months were undecribe-able months for me. The pressure of exams, one after another. So, I sat for my finale exam for Master of Pathology Phase 1 between 15-24th May. Had it in the UM. I chose to stay over at the students' hostel with my other 13 classmates, and we had our meals in the Dewan Makan. It reminded me of zaman MRSM and matrix. Except for this time, most of us are mak-mak and bapak-bapak budak already! Retrospectively thinking, I behaved myself so well during those 2 weeks. Perhaps, the pressure of the exam made me do so, plus sharing the same room with my close buddy, ustaz's wifey! Fisrt and the rest of the nights there, I couldn't help, not because my huggy-bear not around, but no si kecil molek honey-bunny for me to peluk (nightly smelling of my armpit by Miss Nabilah is her effective ubat tidor!and with her doing that, if effective for me too!).
So exam days came and gone. Some of the girls cried their hearts out after diffcult papers. As for me and my roomate, we were considered as the atypical ones. The ones who were expressionless. Either the questions were difficult or easy, we didn't talk about it, and tried very very hard not to regret about what was written in the answer scripts. What was done was done. Tawakkal kepada Allah sahajalah.
Friday 23rd came. Everyone was restless, because that was the day when the decision who will be chosen for the oral examination i.e. those who needed extra points to pass. After Asar, around 530, received an sms from our lecturer. Most of the girls made a circle around me....My heart thumped so hard, my legs felt like jelly......1 then 2 then 3 girls started crying....and the winner were, 12 , who had straight pass. The other 2 had to go through viva....
1 of the selected for viva, missed the boat. And the 13 people sailed through into the 2nd phase of Master of Pathology....................
I've passed.
I could see now the sky is blue, the grasses are green.....
Yes! I was UP for a while. Euphoric.
But now, I'm back on the ground.
Back to the reality that, from now on, it's growing UP time.
I start to feel the weight of responsibilites slowly being place on these 2 shoulders of mine.........
Wish me luck.
And Yes, another thing is UP, the fuel price! I'm not so UP with that!
What will follows? Food price UP. This and that UP.
But, gaji tak UP UP pun!!
I wonder, how does a cleaner who made RM450/month, cope with these UP trend-cost of living?
In this case, someone or sometwo or somethree or somemany has to step DOWN!
Later lah.....

Jom Borak

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