Monday 28 January 2008

Hari ini hari Isnin

Yes, true enough, today is Monday.

But, I'm not having any Monday blues? Miracle isn't it after all these years. Instead, I had rows of Sunday blues. Why? Because in Kota Bharu, working days start on Sunday.

Yesterday, it was the first day of another attachment to another department. The last and final rotation before the BIG EXAM in May. I'm back to where I was about 8 months ago, back to my own place, Department of Pathology. It should be known as Department of Surgical or Anatomical Pathology. But, because of budget constraint, they've shortened it to Department of Pathology (my theory). FYI, pathology actually consists of anatomical pathology, microbiology, haematology, clinical chemistry or chemical pathology, and immunology.

Embarassingly enough to say, my fellow senior collagues did not communicate with the rest of the other pathology departments on how to conduct the phase 1 master students. No saying that we need them to hold our hands and feet guiding us to the exam, but atleast, a proper structured learning programme, like others have done. Yes, we are matured students, but half of the class, had no experience in pathology! And yes we do need guidance.

So, as trainee lecturers who made up almost 1/4 of the class, sat down and thought hard on how to make this final rotation, more organised for everyone's benefit. I reckon it's a training process for the future.

My classmates, there are 14 of us. We grew closer each day. Not to say that, we've always been happily-ever-after since the course started back in June. There have been disagreement, fights etcetra, but we managed to cope with each other. We have one aim, to pass the final exam together, insyaAllah.

This is my Monday story. My head was spinning after sorting out the discussion subjects for the whole class revision session. My tummy ached because I had sambal belacan for lunch or, perut dah masuk angin, but it's resolving now.

Later lah.....

1 comment:

Qaseh Bidadari said...

jangan lupa makan ubat!

nanti tertinggal kelas...

Jom Borak

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