Wednesday, 29 March 2006
Posted by
6:16:00 am
Tuesday, 28 March 2006
Jalan-jalan pergi makan
Musim bunga,biasa la, dimulai dgn hujan memanjang. Dah dua hari begini. Tambah pula UK summer time baru start semalam,kena cepatkan sejam. Jadi beza time dengan Malaysia dah jadi 7 jam. Jenuh paksa anak-anak tidor semalam. Iye la jam dinding tunjuk 930,tapi biological clock dorang masih 830. Akhirnya berjaya juga dorang tido, termasuklah mak dorang ni.
Pagi ni, nabilah steady aje bangun, pagi. Tapi darwish kejut punya kejut 'tok degih' (bak kata ore kelate) langsung. Adik dia jolok telinga dengan mata pun masih lena. Inilah bahana pertukaran waktu, 'jetlag' la konon.
Ayah dorang dari semalam hangin, sebabnya Mac mini dia tak leh masuk disc. Entah apa bende anakanda sumbat. Pagi tadi, dia plan nak bawa Mac tu ke kedai Apple. Nasib baik dalam warranty lagi, kalau tak gamaknya habis beratus pound gak. Boleh bangkrap oo. Dah la elaun x dapat dah. Bini dia punya bagus kata
"nak gi Meadowhall yer (ni macam One Utama tapi kecik sikit la), nak ikut (kes weekend terperap kat rumah la ni), tak rajin nak masak lunch, so nak makan kat sana aje lah'.
Hujan punya pasal, dok transfer data yada yada, pukul 2 lebih baru keluar rumah. Hari Isnin, banyak la parking kosong. Best je. Plan nye, mak nyer dengan anak-anak pergi foodcourt terus, tapi lalu aje tepi kedai Apple, si abang terus aje nak masuk ikut ayahnya. Terpaksa la mak dia join sekali.
Memang best la kedai tu, kalau anda seorang 'hantu' Mac. Sebab sebagai insan PC,terkial-kial nak klikkan komputer demo tu untuk Nabilah. Padahal, si Darwish sesaat aje dah tahu mana nak klik. Inilah anak zaman cyber. Kalah maknya!
Lepas cik abang dah settlekan hal dia, kata mamat kedai Mac tu kena masuk workshop, 3 hari baru siap. Kena ceramah dengan bini seround,

"itu bukan alasan u tak nak type thesis. Laptop I ade"
"PC tak best"
"Ambuiii, baru guna Mac 2 bulan, dah eksyen yer."
Lapar punya pasal, akhirnya sampai gak la kat food court. Menteri kewangan belanja (sebab dia yg ajak makan luar). Nasib baik la ade kedai halal sebijik aje kat situ, memang kalau kami makan kat meadowhall tu, serbu situ aje.

Pukul 6 petang, orang Apple telepon, " Can I leave a message to Muhammad, his mini Mac is fixed and he can pick it up anytime today"
Terus text cik abang, kabar kat dia Mac dia dah ok. Dengan kata lain, dia takde alasan tak nak buat 'homework' dia.
Nabilah bangun dan merengek-rengek.
Si abang pula mengusik.
Mak nyer pening, apa nak masak malam ni?
Posted by
2:37:00 am
Sunday, 26 March 2006
The love-one is busy, Phd due date is approaching (by the way there is no such thing as Phd 'exact' due date, visa 'exact' expire date adalah)
So, with the kids busy with their art works a.k.a making a mess in the living room.
Ever since the Tsunami back on boxing day 2004, I noticed that the weather has changed quite significantly. I'm no expert, but this is my opinion.
Last February, I think, sometime end of the month, it snowed heavily. That's was ok, February is considered winter.
Spring came on time, we had a lovely spring. Flowers bloomed as when they were supposed to be.
Autumn wasn't like autumn, apart from the leaves falling, temperature wise, it was quite warm.
Came November, unbelieveably cold. Sun was shining, sky was clear but temperature was freezing.
Winter approached slowly. I thought it would never come (as if!).
And yes, it snowed, end of my night shift after the boxing day.
'Mummy's made snow shower'
It snowed again mid March. What?! Suprised! Suprised!
The artic wind chilled the tulang kering.
Coming towards the end of March, still no sign of buds on the tree. As Darwish said, 'tree no leaves'
But, Allah is most Gracious, my drawf tulips start to bloom. So are the Daffodils.
The tulips and daffodils I planted 2+ years ago, have never missed to blossom when the come time.
This year, they got delayed a bit, but they will appear, I'm sure, InsyaAllah.
More pictures of my tiny garden in the future.
Posted by
8:42:00 pm
Saturday, 25 March 2006
Mee Kari Tomyam?
Semalam masak la, my so called 'speciality', padahal resepi dapat dari
Ok, ni proses membuatnya:

Serbuk kari (2 sudu sahaja)
2 kiub tomyam (boleh tambah lebih)
Serai, bawang
Cili (nak pedas, bubuh banyak-banyak)
Sedikit belacan
Blend semuanya
Bunga kantan* (kalau ada)
Stok ayam (kalau kurang rajin, guna la kiub ayam aje la)
Mee kuning (atau spagetti bubuh kaler kuning dlm air rebusan-improvise di sini susah cari mee kuning)
Tumis semua bahan-bahan blend.
Masukkan stock, santan, kiub tomyam, serbuk kari.
Jadi la seperti di bawah.
Jangan lupa garam dan jus limau (kalau mahu lebih masam)
Hidang dengan taugeh (yang dah direbus), isi ayam, daun bawang, daun sup dan bawang goreng.
Dan hasil nya..........nikmat hingga meleleh hidung.....sebab terlebih cili.
NB: Resepi asal telah diubah suai mengikut citarasa si tukang masak.
Ini resepi original yang di ambil dari
Mee Kari Tomyam
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300 gm mee kuning
250 gm ayam (dipotong kecil)
1 biji timun (dipotong kecil)
4 keping tauhu kering
½ biji kelapa (diambil santan)
1 sudu makan serbuk lada hitam
2 sudu makan rempah kari daging
10 ulas bawang merah (dikisar)
1 batang serai (dikisar)2 inci belacan
1 kuntum bunga kantan
2 kiub Tom Yam Knorr
200 gm sawi (dipotong 1inci & dicelur)
500 gm kerang rebus
Garam secukup rasa
Rebus ayam & asingkan air rebusannya. Panaskan minyak & tumis bahan2 kisar hingga naik bau. Masukkan rempah kari, serbuk lada hitam,belacan & kacau lagi hingga garing. Masukkan air rebusan, kiub Tom Yam Knorr,bunga kantan & tauhu. Masukkan santan, ayam & garam secukup rasa. Kacau hingga mendidih. Celur mee & toskan. Masukkan ke dalam pinggan & tuangkan kuah di atasnya.
Cadangan Hidangan:
Mee tersebut bolehlah dihiaskan dgn kerang, sawi & timun.
Posted by
10:12:00 pm
Friday, 24 March 2006
Someone said this to me, today...........
Posted by
12:39:00 am
Wednesday, 22 March 2006
My little brother
Apa yer yang nak dipikirkan......?

Ooo gaya hari tu.....posing macam ni menarik ker.....

ke posing macam ni...?

ke style nih? org frust jek..............

...kenyek nabilah lagi best...urghhhhh

...arhhh layan tidor lagi bagus.....zzzzzz
my little bro, not so tiny anymore.......
Posted by
9:38:00 pm
One step forward
I signed up for a 11 weeks of long distance course, 'Essential in palliative care', in Birmingham.
The first meeting I found it daunting!
Flipping through the course handbook in the train back to Sheffield, I felt my stomach began to turn.
I have to write a 2000 words portfolio (with citings), which I haven't done this for donkey years. It scared me!
Am I digging my own grave here?
Posted by
6:43:00 pm
Monday, 20 March 2006
Another weekend
Saturday 18th.

Posted by
6:00:00 am
Saturday, 18 March 2006
Life as.....

I've been trying to continue my beauty sleep since awakened by my little gal's cry for her bottle, but I can't. So I decided, to force myself, but I couldn't. My mind start to race. I start to think. That's not good if you're trying to sleep. Might as well, do something useful. I jumped out of bed, and start using my husband's Mac.
I was recalling the past.
I was remembering what I have been doing in the last 20 odd years or so.
1)Life as a primary school lass- I remember I was in SRK Damansara Utama for the first 5 years, then SRK Kelana Jaya for the final year. Details, too much to remember or I'm too old to recall.
2) Life as a secondary school teenager- SM Seaport for 3 years then MRSM Beseri, Perlis for the rest of the years. I remembered jumping with joy after the SPM exam, thought I have finally finished all the exams I have to take for the rest of my life. And how I was so wrong!
3) Life as a matriculation student-tears and joy, ups and downs.
4) Life as a medical student-first year was tough, new language, new place. Final year was rough, I rebelled, I couldn't study without a TV. With all those years that I have gone through, I finally decided to buy myself a telly. And I also changed my status that year, from a Miss to a Mrs somebody. With my parents and husband's doas, I got my MBBS on 17th December 2000.
5) Life as an intern in an Australian hospital- it was hard I must admit at the beginning. Everybody said that. A&E made me wanted to quit everyday. But, overall the working shift gave me air to breathe, on-call Friday, off for the weekends; on call Saturday, Sunday was off; vice versa. I had a life. I had time to spend, I guess that's why I had my boy 3 days before I finished my internship!
6) Life as a locum SHO in a UK hospital-again I admit, it was hard at the beginning, new place, new people, new post. When you have Friday on-call, the weekends are yours too. If you're doing speciality on-call other than general medicine, you eat-sleep-and-s*** in the hospital. Imagine you have to do that from 9am Saturday until 1pm Monday (I thought I was going mad on that Sunday evening!). Fortunately, it was changed after 2/8/2004 as per new rules set by EU for junior doctors. Life improved slightly in the specialities.
Life as a mom, priceless. The sweat, the tears, the laughters of Darwish and Nabilah are the medicine to heal the fatigue muscles. Though I still do need paracetamol for my occasional headaches!

Posted by
7:46:00 am
Two days in a row!
I can't believe it. My 2 monsters, main bedak yesterday, and spilled all over their room. (glad not mine!) aduiiii. so much to clean up.
and today, main syampoo pulak. and cotton balls. and their drawers.
not once, but twice!!!
and he even try to drive too!
Posted by
12:25:00 am
Friday, 17 March 2006
Destination: Bruges, Belgium
Mode of transportation: The Big Ship (as my kids called it)
Passengers: 1 almost matured adult(not in photo), 1 confused new-aged adult, 1 debutante , 1 rebellious adolescent and 2 underaged teenagers.
Beautiful town.
But the town square smell of horse dung!
Next destination: Manchester Old Trafford.
Mode of transportation: Blue Spacewagon.
Passengers: Same as above
Not MU fans though, but can't resist visiting the world famous football club.
Posted by
11:16:00 pm
Anatomy lesson
Posted by
7:53:00 pm
Travel I have, travel I have
From Kelana Jaya to Beseri, Perlis to Kulim to Penang to Kota Bharu to Adelaide then to Hobart. And I stopped for seven years, I was breathing the cool refreshing Tasmanian air.

(photo from

(photo from
(photo from
Then I moved again, for the love of my life, I follow, ke kutub utara ku ikut kamu as the song said.
Sheffield, I arrived. Far from land of Van Diemens, my new home, curry fragrance is the air. And I am still here, four years after the plane has landed.

(photo from
Posted by
7:36:00 pm
Jom Borak