For those who might have read entry 'terima kasih', I thank you. I decided to unpublish it because I think it was so unrelevant entry. However, I would still like to say how much I appreciate all the kind words of encouragement that you, my dear friends have given. And I apologize for my french.
Today is my first day of 2pm-12midnight weekend oncalls.
Suprised suprised, it has been slow today, as the afternoon crawls away.
I wonder why?
Perhaps it's the match between Germany vs Argentina, has kept all the mischief off the publics.
Maybe it's gonna get worse after the night match, Italy vs Ukraine, because of the drunkeness.
I hope tomorrow will be quieter, as people decide to stay at home and watch England belasah Portugal (or maybe the other way round?)
But maybe, it'll get horrible at midnight because of the alcohol effects.
I've run out of ideas..........
Something to ponder.
I was working yesterday, doing rounds by myself.
I heard one of my patients groaning and moaning loudly from her room.
I went to see what was wrong.
Elderly lady, stuck in bed. Looked uncomfortable.
No one seemed to care (well, she been doing this since Tuesday and nursing staffs are all busy).
I asked what's wrong dear. Are you in pain?
She told me the nebuliser mask is hurting her (she's not even wearing it!) and the noise from the nebuliser machine is driving her to the wall.
I turned it off and took the mask away.
I helped her with her water. I placed the tip of the cup to her lips. She drank it as if she hasn't drank for months.
Deep down in my heart,I'm treating her like a child.
Deep down in my heart,she's a stanger and I'm helping her.
Deep down in my heart,I asked myself, will I do the same to my parents or in-laws when they're poorly in health?
I pray to Allah that I shall not forget, to return the kindness and the loves my parents have given me.
When she satisfied her thirst, I left. She was quiet when I was there.
As soon as I'm gone, she started moaning and groaning again.
What else can I do?
Except instructing the nurse to keep her as comfortable as possible.
These maybe the final days of her life.
We'll never know.
9 years ago
faez..tak care ok? jangan la sedih sangat...
jd doktor ni antara kerja paling senang dpt pahala kan..24 jam tolong orang jer..banyak pahala faez, apatah lagi sabar ngan kerenah pesakit. saya suka tgk muka2 doktor, sbb nampak 'bersih' aje.
doktor belum kalah lagi tau..ada hikmah di sebalik kegagalan tu. nak menangis , nangislah sepuas hati sbb itu salah satu cara luahkan perasaan..pas tu, kutip balik semangat yg terbang tu, then buat balik portfolio tu..cubalah rujuk kengkawan yg dapat excellent result dlm portfolio tu, bandingkan ngan portfolio kita, insyaAllah kita akan tau mana kekurangannya. tp kalau dah buat..baguslah.
hmm bab org perlukan tenaga kerja kita bila terdesak saja ...mmg itu biasalah perangai orang2 camtu..masa kat kampus, selalu gak saya terkena camtu..mmg sedih, org ingat kita time susah, time senang,kekadang lalu sebelah pun mcm tak nampak aje.takpelah faez, yg penting u dah ada nama kalangan depa. percayalah, when u are not around kat situ lagi, depa akan sebut2 u..
Faez...itulah antara dugaan2 sebagai seorang doktor...kita dpt melihat keperitan dan penderitaan pesakit lain...tapi ada masanya orang tidak dpt melihat keperitan yang kita alami..
Faez...tabah dlm menjalani tugas2 harian kerana ianya suatu ibadah dan tugas yang mulia...
go dr faez. Insyaallah apa yang puan doktor telah buat akan dibalas dengan kebaikan. Mungkin bukan hari ni atau esok tapi di akhirat nanti.
England kalah penalty tapi i sedih tengok Terry nangis tak hengat punyer. maybe next world cup dan pencen kut.
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