Pukul 3 pagi
Tidur lah intan
Esok bangun pagi
Minum kopi satu cawan.....
Night 4 and counting down.
Nothing exciting happened in the last 2 nights, except that I can say, I've learnt to sleep on a hard sofa, ignoring the embarassment of dozing off in public.
Something sorta kinda odd funny happened on Sunday morning.
There was this bloke (young macho man) was referred to the urologist.
Why I said it was strange?
This bloke, he was drunk on saturday night.
Then his drunkened mate decided to use cork board pin, and pinned the bloke's scrotum to a bed post.
Too drunk he didn't realised what happened to him.
I guess he sobered up a little, and realised his balls are stuck to a bed.
I don't know how they managed to do that (without screaming with pain-i guess the alcohol was sedative enough), nor imagine how it happened.
They had to call the fire brigade to saw the bed post off.
Then off he went to A&E in the Northern General, but the doctors over there unable to fix what was stuck.
Then he was transferred to Emergency Admission Unit at the Hallamshire (because there're urologists here).
He must have felt so embarass, on top of feeling stupid with his act.
Luckily, the surgeon managed to pull out the pins, that fortunately stuck only to the scrotal skin not damaging his testis.
Moral of the story:
Alcohol make you do stupid things.
There are many hikmah that Islam forbids alcohol. One of it is to maintain our dignity.
And lastly, your balls are not public figures, keep them private.
9 years ago
tulah..tak de pekdahnya minum arak ni..nasib bolh selamat, kalau tak, jadi pompuanlah dia silap2 ari bulan..
mcm2 pengalaman pesakit ek FH blh tengok :)? ada fobia apa2 tak berkenaan dgn bidang kedoktoran ni?
puan syikin,
nak cakap pasal phobia, dlm bidang kedoktoran ni, saya phobia dengan ECG (heheh padahal hari2 kena tgk) dan juga ICU. Eh tukar gambar bunga dah ker?
assalamualaikum Dr,
salam perkenalan jg dr saya
seronok membaca pengalaman Dr di negara org nie...selamat bertugas..
Don't Drink and Drive..Betui ker nih? Pernah jumpa ayat nih?
nak muntah jap... (not due to drinking)...
apa pasal la depa buat lawak macam tu sekali...
Uhmm faezah, you wouldn't be in the class 4/5L from year 90-91 along with farah, intan, azira, anaz, ketam, maz, baron, halil etc? If so, glad to have came across an ex-classmate from beseri :)
Ya Allah, mate dia tu pun,...kalau yer pun mabuk takde benda lain ker nak di buat lawak. Inilah penangan alkohol yer kak.
puan ella
terima kasih atas kunjungan balas. di negara orang cari pengalaman untuk dibawa balik ke negara sendiri. rasa cam dah dekat nak balik, tapi masih lambat lagi...
puan ajzie,
ha'a ada ayat tu. satu lagi ayat, tak ingat samada saya jumpa di UK or di australia, 'if you drink & drive, u're a bloody idiot!'
tuan izhal,
depa kalau dah mabuk tu, macam2 la bley bikin. Byk lagi story mory saya darihal patients yg intoxicated ni.
tuan vedd,
welcome to my humble blog. iye i was in 4/5L. Wah cam jejak kasih ni...
puan yus,
ha'a alcohol menyebabkan macam2 hal.
Isk! ngilu pulak rasanya ..he..he..
Larrr....tak pasal2 kene masuk sepital...mabuk punya pasal...hhhaha
haha ish2 ada gaks org camtu no..ishmishish mish.hehe..kalau kita sure stunned abeh taktau nak wat apa..
orang putih ni, biajk macamana sekali pun kalau dah minium benda tu, satu sen pun tak guna.
Arak 'perosak' tu.....rosak diri, rosak hidup, rosak masyarakat, rosak agama, rosak segala-galanya...
From comments at my blog, here's the response :)
If you still remember Syed Putih, I was sitting next to him and that he was also my cube mate in Block B along with Cochrane. :)
Yahoo Group:
Nope.. I was one of those silent member and later have my email removed due high volumes of mail flooding my mailbox :)
tuan raiedzall,
heheh empathy nampaknya.
itu la. buat kena jadik bahan lawak akhirnya....
cabut dulu, jahit aje la..apa lagi mau ubat.
tuan kamato,
yup...betul. eh org jerman lagi byk minum kan?
tuan BP,
iye betul.
tuan vedd,
agak2 saya tahu siapa tuan
selamat datang, dan salam perkenalan.
Wan Shaiza Mardiana saya tak kenal, tapi Wan Sheliza saya kenal.
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